1 month appointment

9.9 lbs
20.5 in
15 in head

2 week old appointment

2 week old Melody is 8 lbs 1oz (20oz gain from discharge) 20.25 inches long (.5 inches gain) and head circumference 14 1/4 (1.25 inch gain). She is perfectly healthy!!! We are going to have her newborn pictures done monday im hoping to get her birth pictures then too.

2 week pp appointment

Had my 2 weeks appointment today my incision looks great. Little concerned about the fact I dontbhave th e urge to urinate at all. At 6 weeks if its still going on they are sending me to a specialist. Since Saturday ive lost 4 more lbs & a total of 18!! Only 20 more to go till prepregnancy weight. I think in four more weeks that will happen then let the toning begin!!

24 weeks

Forgot to do my belly pic this was the only one I had !!

Wic office visit

Visiting the wic office for lactation (i have some kind of callous scab thing that hurts really bad) we got to see melodys weight gain since Saturday. 

She was 6.13 when we left the hospital and was 7.42 thats almost half a lb gain in 5 days. Mommies milk does a body good!!!

She is such a good baby minus when she is fighting me literally smacking and kicking at my breast to eat and she gets so mad lol

I have lost 14.5 lbs the day before I gave birth I was 138.5 and today I weighed 124 woo hoo !!

1 week post partum

Today will mark one week for Ms. Melody :-)

She is doing so many things early. She started focusing at four days old she isnt a pro yet but working hard. She is also trying to hold her head up. Hard busy worker!!

She lost her umbilical cord sometime this early morning. I cannot believe that she is a week old already.

I had my first bm finally and starting to walk straight up vs hunched over. I still have a gas bubble n my right shoulder.  But things seem to be healing well.

Melody's birth story - updated

On April 16th 2013 I had my 39 week appointment. Which dr. van skriver: told me that I was 5 centimeters dilated and a hundred percent effaced . She stripped my membranes. On the way home on the Buckman Bridge I felt really strong and painful contractions. Of course when we got home they slowed down.

On April 17th 2013 I lost my plug "again" first thing in the morning. While at work I started having cramping. I didn't think anything of it until I went to the bathroom and lost more plug then had a contraction along with the cramping. At 11:18am I had my fist contraction of the pattern. They were 4 minutes apart. At noon I went home. I called Jason who was at his moms and told him to start heading home.  I ate lunch while waiting for him to get home. Some Mongolian beef mmmmmm!!!
At 2:30 (correction 3) pm we arrived at the hospital.. when the nurse checked me I was still the same as my appointment 5cm 100% effaced. When checking me she tried rupturing my membranes by rubbing my bag. By 5pm I was 7cm and they started my iv port and then had some good painful crampy contractions... we then decided to do some walking. At  6 pm I was at 7-8 cm and got my epidural. Angela (Doula) and Jamie (photographer) got here about the same the time.  Around 8:45pm I told the nurse I was feeling like I needed to push. And she told me I was at a TEN!!! I was so thrilled. At that point we found out that Melody was sunny side up (op, facing the sky)... So we flipped sides while we started pushing. (pushing on my back left and right side) after two hours of pushing (Jason got to see her head) she wasn't descending father down past my pubic bone due to her being face up. 11 pm melody's heart rate was descending to 80's. Talked with the Dr. , midwives, etc and we all agreed that I needed a C-section for the Melody's safety.  
1130pm we were n the OR! They had me prepped and going. It was so scary listening to her heartbeat drop (they had me and her in monitors) . They got her out pretty fast (considering all the scar tissue and stuff they had to deal with) and I got to hear her first little cries (tanner did not cry for the first few minutes)!! She was born at 2353 (1153pm) on 4/17/13. This made me so happy & she is so beautiful.  Then the neonatal Dr.  said we need to take her to NICU to monitor her breathing. That was so scary. She was taking over 150breaths per min. They said it  was due to the stress from the delivery. Had we waited 30 more minutes we wouldn't have the healthy baby girl we have today. At this time I was told about all my scare tissues issue. Once I  knew Melody was completely and safe  I began to pass n and out. My epidural was wearing off and they had to sedate me it was horrible. I was feeling everything. I do not know what happened after that... Jamie and Angela and Jason all saw Melody. Jamie and Angela left after that. But they had jobs to do and families to take care of.
I'm not sure of what time Melody got to come back our room. But I was exhausted. 4/18 today I've been dealing with a happy baby but boy does she get frustrated at nursing\breastfeeding lol.  I have been having a lot of pain more than I did with tanner. I had blood in my urine so they ordered. Ct with contrast. So needless to say my little' girl is now being having to be fed by  syringe with formula.(u cannot breastfeed after having contrast being injected into to ur body.)  It broke my heart!!!! So now I'm pumping and dumping my milk and she is doing ok. She has no jaundice and has only lost two oz n her birth weight.  thus far.
I'm in a lot of pain but we are hoping it gets under control and we can figure what is going on with my body. (Found out that I have a hematoma that's blood filled and that i have lots of air/gas that is trapped.) Along with normal wear and tear for C-section patients. 
4/19 - last night I finally got put on different pain meds to help with the pain thank god. We thought I was going to have to have my hematomas drained but I don't. I am really anemic my hemoglobin is at a 7. But we will be going home tomorrow morning yay! ! Tanner is ready to meet his little sister.
We are thrilled our little melody jo is here , happy and safe!!!